That is what Consumer Report Magazine, an American Consumer publication is reporting.
According to the report, new research shows that rice contains arsenic; a level one carcinogen linked to lung and bladder cancer.
The Consumer Report warns that rice eaten just once a day can drive arsenic levels in the human body up 44 percent, while rice eaten twice a day can lead to a 70 percent increase in arsenic.
Consumers are therefore advised to take steps to moderate their consumption of all kinds of rice, from cereal for babies and adults, to brown and white whole grain, pasta and drinks.
It suggests that rice eaters should limit themselves to one serving a day, and encourages consumption of varied meals. The good news is, rinsing and then boiling rice in a 6 to 1 water ratio removes about 30 percent of its arsenic.
Hmmm. This news is bad news for me…very very bad…and is afraiding me in a plenty way. Yes O! Yours truly can’t do without rice in a day… it is that bad. Now tell me, what then is my fate?
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