When I was young the risque scenes in a movie showed women in their lingerie. Whenever I saw these my eyes would be glued to the actress and my heart would pound harder. Fortunately my arousal was only apparent to me.
When I first started masturbating I frequently went into the bathroom at home to do my dirty deed. On more than one occasion my mother knocked on the door and asked what was taking me so long. What was taking so long?
One when I went in there I noticed that the Sears catalog was on the chair next to the toilet. I flipped through there to find the lingerie section. What luck! There were women in slips, girdles and bras. Even though I was fairly young (perhaps 13) I appreciated how sexy women looked in their underwear. I especially liked black lingerie. I would find a pic that looked particularly sexy and then stroke my little dick to orgasm.
After a few times I started masturbating first to one model and then to another. Now it was taking more time and around this time is when I first heard that knock on the door. I had to quickly bring myself to orgasm and exit. Unfortunately the catalog eventually disappeared from the bathroom chair.
I've posted about panties before. Let me go into more detail.
My mother use to have a basket in the basement where she kept rags. I would fish through this looking for interesting items. At one time or another I found a slip, bras, panties and stockings. I put them in a safe hiding place. Then when no one else was at home I would go down to the basement, strip down and dress up in lingerie. At that time I fit into most of the items fairly well but the bra was rather tight. So once I was dressed up I would pull up my slip, pull down my panties and masturbate.
My mother's lingerie felt very sensual against my skin and the thought of being dressed in this way was very arousing. Once I decided to take a pic of myself dressed up in this way. I supposed that I would look very sexy, but when I developed it I looked ridiculous to myself. After that I stopped dressing up in this way.
In a way, when women are dressed up in lingerie they are as covered up as if they were wearing other clothes. But to me there is something very sexy about women in lingerie.

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