I did like surfing the net for all the variety of things out there. And then one day I came across a porn site. It had a set of pics of Asia Carrera letting some lucky stiff have sex with her.
I couldn't believe my luck! I bookmarked that link and started masturbating. I've always been a fan of Asia and had masturbated over a number of her pic sets in mags I've had. And these pics were so bright and had such good resolution. She's so very beautiful and that stiff was burying his face and his cock in her pussy. I saved them and went back to cum over them several times.
But now I wondered whether this site was an anomaly or whether there were more like that out there. I started searching for porn and as you might guess found plenty of it. Then I happened on the Hun.
The Hun is a great site. It has links to all sorts of free porn: pretty girls, hardcore, kinky stuff, etc. I was in masturbation heaven! I have quite varied tastes in porn and this site has just about all of it. I still go back there on a regular basis.

Here's a nice pic I just downloaded from that site. Pretty girl with her legs spread wide apart- perfect for masturbating over.
Internet porn has really enhanced my porn masturbation. There's the sheer volume, the variety, and the overall high quality. Without it I suppose that I would still be jerking-off over porn mags. Aside from those other things, one problem that I always had with porn mags was how you masturbate and hold the mag at the same time, let alone turn the page! Masturbating in a chair in front of a large LCD display is much better!
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