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Cartoon Masturbation

Playboy mags gave me quite a few beautiful women to masturbate over when I was a teen. I also took interest in their cartoons. Most of them weren't all that funny, but some of them had depictions of sexy women that gave me a rise. There was one in particular that I ended up blowing my load over.

The caption read “You'd better be careful, I'm not eighteen yet.” Well, I wasn't either. In fact, she probably would have been an older woman to me then. This cartoon depicts an interesting concept- the caveman in us all doesn't consider social taboos like what is an appropriate age for mating. Those Playboy readers probably got some chuckle out of thinking about the irony of this. No doubt our Neanderthal friend proceeded to club the young girl and drag her into the nearest cave.

But all of that has nothing to do with the appeal of this cartoon for me back then. It was all about her figure and the way those breasts of hers were pointing skyward (plus perhaps many other subtle sexual cues that I was unconsciously reacting to.

Here's another by the same cartoonist. Same nice figure, same interesting cartoon breasts. Same urge to masturbate on my part.

I was so taken with my cavegirl that I took a picture of the cartoon, developed it, projected it, and then traced along her contours. Now I had a larger version of just her with the Neanderthal gone. Alone at last! I colored her with pencils and then proceeded to masturbate over my Galatea.

I made several more copies of my cavegirl and masturbated over each. As always it was a real turn-on at first but I eventually got bored of her and went back to beatin-off over real centerfolds.

I still masturbate over an occasional cartoon though.

a technical problem

I recently had a problem with one of those fake anti-virus trojans. Fortunately I don't normally use my administrative account. Unfortunately I had to delete the Windows user account that was infected as a scan with my real anti-virus from another account didn't remove the trojan. As a result I lost quite a bit of my materials, including a post I was working on that would otherwise probably be here instead of this.

I suppose this is a result of careless network surfing. The problem is that when I'm in the heat of looking for porn sometimes I do get careless.

Internet Porn

I had several home computers before I signed up for internet service. And when I finally did get an internet connection I wasn't thinking about porn. For some reason I was unaware of the possibilities.

I did like surfing the net for all the variety of things out there. And then one day I came across a porn site. It had a set of pics of Asia Carrera letting some lucky stiff have sex with her.

I couldn't believe my luck! I bookmarked that link and started masturbating. I've always been a fan of Asia and had masturbated over a number of her pic sets in mags I've had. And these pics were so bright and had such good resolution. She's so very beautiful and that stiff was burying his face and his cock in her pussy. I saved them and went back to cum over them several times.

But now I wondered whether this site was an anomaly or whether there were more like that out there. I started searching for porn and as you might guess found plenty of it. Then I happened on the Hun.

The Hun is a great site. It has links to all sorts of free porn: pretty girls, hardcore, kinky stuff, etc. I was in masturbation heaven! I have quite varied tastes in porn and this site has just about all of it. I still go back there on a regular basis.

Here's a nice pic I just downloaded from that site. Pretty girl with her legs spread wide apart- perfect for masturbating over.

Internet porn has really enhanced my porn masturbation. There's the sheer volume, the variety, and the overall high quality. Without it I suppose that I would still be jerking-off over porn mags. Aside from those other things, one problem that I always had with porn mags was how you masturbate and hold the mag at the same time, let alone turn the page! Masturbating in a chair in front of a large LCD display is much better!

Lingerie fetish

When I was young the risque scenes in a movie showed women in their lingerie. Whenever I saw these my eyes would be glued to the actress and my heart would pound harder. Fortunately my arousal was only apparent to me.
When I first started masturbating I frequently went into the bathroom at home to do my dirty deed. On more than one occasion my mother knocked on the door and asked what was taking me so long. What was taking so long?

One when I went in there I noticed that the Sears catalog was on the chair next to the toilet. I flipped through there to find the lingerie section. What luck! There were women in slips, girdles and bras. Even though I was fairly young (perhaps 13) I appreciated how sexy women looked in their underwear. I especially liked black lingerie. I would find a pic that looked particularly sexy and then stroke my little dick to orgasm.

After a few times I started masturbating first to one model and then to another. Now it was taking more time and around this time is when I first heard that knock on the door. I had to quickly bring myself to orgasm and exit. Unfortunately the catalog eventually disappeared from the bathroom chair.

I've posted about panties before. Let me go into more detail.
My mother use to have a basket in the basement where she kept rags. I would fish through this looking for interesting items. At one time or another I found a slip, bras, panties and stockings. I put them in a safe hiding place. Then when no one else was at home I would go down to the basement, strip down and dress up in lingerie. At that time I fit into most of the items fairly well but the bra was rather tight. So once I was dressed up I would pull up my slip, pull down my panties and masturbate.

My mother's lingerie felt very sensual against my skin and the thought of being dressed in this way was very arousing. Once I decided to take a pic of myself dressed up in this way. I supposed that I would look very sexy, but when I developed it I looked ridiculous to myself. After that I stopped dressing up in this way.

In a way, when women are dressed up in lingerie they are as covered up as if they were wearing other clothes. But to me there is something very sexy about women in lingerie.
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