As a young child I thought that Marilyn Monroe was absolutely fabulous. I kept this to myself but I always liked looking at her in the movies.

Jane Fonda was another of my favorites. I liked watching her in barefoot in the park, but Barbarella absolutely blew my mind!

More recently I've had the hots for Jennifer Aniston. In fact, I've started a Yahoo group for her called Jennifer Aniston Masturbation. If you're into that too why not drop by.
I've creamed over Jennifer quite a few times. Here's one I've shot my wad over quite a few times.

You may wonder what the attraction is. First of all, she's a really good looking woman. Look at that beautiful smile! Look at those thighs! Look at how her tits push against that dress! She's watching me masturbate. Maybe she likes the attention but I'll never get to touch her. What a tease! But I can masturbate over her pics all I want. And do you know what? The more I do it the more I worship her.

Oh, and by the way, I think Lady Gaga is hot too. It's partly the way she dresses- very provactive. She gets my attention. She's also nice looking too. Anyway, I have to confess that I masturbate over her too.
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