When I first started out as a masturbator my only goal was to cum. I would beat my meat until it gave up it's creamy white stuff and that was that. Somewhere along the way I started enjoying doing it and wanted to make it last longer.
I suppose that this began when I was jerking-off over beautiful playboy babes and wanted to ogle them just a bit more. Somehow after I blew my load they weren't quite as appealing and I'd start thinking about other things. So I'd masturbate a little to one, turn the page, and masturbate to the next. But then the pressure would build up and pretty soon I'd cum and the party was over.
I slowly started working pauses into my masturbation. I'd be working my little dick close to climax and then I'd stop, usually just in time. Then I'd turn the page and start up with another lovely lady. However before long the pressure would build up so much that I just couldn't hold off any longer. I use to wish that I could cum over and over again and make it last even longer. But once my creamy white love juice oozed out the urge to masturbate was over.
A real break-through in my masturbation happened when I went off to college and had a room of my own. I had a roommate my first year away and most of my masturbating was in the shower. Sometimes I'd hear him doing himself at night, but I never wanted to do that myself. But after that I got my own room and now I could do myself whenever I wanted (except for classes, etc). I got a little porn stash (I didn't have much money and the mags were expensive). I started keeping track of how long I was making love to myself.
At first it was 10 or 15 minutes. Occasionally I would surprise myself with 20 minutes and I would think about how that was a long one. Then I decided to take matters into my own hands and not leave it to chance. So at first I decided that I wouldn't cum until after 20 minutes. I'd check the clock by my bed and wait until it was time. This was actually very nice since holding back makes your orgasm much more explosive. Sometimes I would hit myself in the face with it. Other times passion would get the best of me and I'd have premature ejaculation.
I next went for 30 minutes, then 40, and finally a whole hour. It was a very special day when I finally reached that level. I had a feeling of real accomplishment. Lots of guys probably had feelings of sexual accomplishment when they managed to feel a girls tits or get inside their pants. I remember hearing them talk about those things when I was in my teens. Now, in my twenties, I had a feeling of accomplishment over having been able to jerk-off for a whole hour.
For the most part I stopped keeping track of time. When I moved in with my ex masturbation had to be fit into the available times. We parted for a bit after we both graduated and I once again had a solo apartment and a porn stash. Once she visited me unexpectedly and I was almost caught. I barely was able to hide my porn and since it wasn't really in a safe place it made me quite nervous. Then we got married and once again masturbation was opportunistic.
Finally my ex divorced me and once again I had a solo apartment. I started building up a nice porn collection, but then I discovered the internet. Downloading porn from the internet provides a great vehicle for edging. There's always new babes and poses that need to be worked. And it also gives me something else to do with my hands- it almost requires a pause. I've also developed a different style.
I use to masturbate to porn mags lying in bed. Now I masturbate to internet porn while sitting in front of my computer. I play with my little dick with my left hand while I mouse with my right, switching occasionally for some power-stroking. This method is very conducive to very long masturbation sessions. I've had some that go on for 4 or 5 hours. Sometimes I get up and take care of some errand, putting off orgasm till later.
There's no question that I love the way it feels to cum. But I also like the way it feels when I manipulate my dick, especially when I'm looking at pics of some pretty lady. When I have the time I like to do this for hours and hours. It feels so good!
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